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Email Client Setup Guide

Email setup on a mobile device or in outlook is very simple. 


Configure Email Client (Phone or PC)

To access email via an email client such as outlook or your phone.

Find server setting or add email in most cases the selection will be "Other" not outlook or Gmail as this is a private email server and will require you to enter our server information manually.

Follow the prompts on your device or email client.

Setup servers: IMAP and SMTP. with the mail server settings below.

Server settings for Great Lakes EMS / Action Sports EMS

1. Username: Your email address

2. Password; Your email password

3. IMAP & SMTP Server Names are the same:

Incoming Server IMAP              Outgoing Server SMTP

SSL Secure Port Number:

IMAP  993      SMTP 465

Click complete or finish when you are done.

Call Ryan if you need assistance 715-889-4491

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